Downtown Dallas Evening Proposal

When I tell you Hannah & Paul’s love story is like a romance novel come to life I MEAN IT. Paul has been best friends with Hannah’s younger brother since before he can even remember, who would’ve thought they’d actually end up brothers by marriage! Despite the closeness of their families Paul & Hannah never really knew much about each other until they reconnected after 5 years of not really seeing each other. For the first time, they had genuine conversations together about their hobbies and experiences. Paul was captivated. He doesn’t recall the specifics of the talks they had but he admitted that “there was something about her creativity and the way she took a genuine interest in others” that made him realize he wanted to ask her out.

I mean guys come on, how intimidating would it be to ask out your best friend’s older sister?! Few people would have the courage to do that! If you haven’t already had enough of the cuteness read below to hear when Paul first realized he wanted to marry Hannah.

“The first time I realized that I wanted to marry Hannah was on my 21st birthday. She had told me she was coming up to Dallas for my birthday and had a surprise trip planned as well. I had spent the whole day guessing what it might be, knowing that although it was in town, there was NO WAY it would be Six Flags since I knew how much Hannah hated roller coasters. So I guessed everything BUT Six Flags, but sure enough, when we got to where we were driving, it was Six Flags in Arlington. What had left me awestruck is how terrified I knew Hannah was to get on a roller coaster, and the genuine anxiety the experience gave her, it was overwhelming to see how much of her own comfort she was willing to set aside to make sure I had a good time. I knew I wanted to be able to make those kinds of sacrifices for her, and I wanted her by my side supporting me like that till the wheels fall off, and I’m beyond excited now to see that dream is actually coming to life”

Sure enough 3 months after his birthday I got a call from Paul asking me about coming to Dallas to photograph their proposal, and of course, I said yes!! (And so did Hannah *wink wink*)

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