Bucket List Wedding Locations

I absolutely LOVE to travel, that’s why for weddings/elopements in the US I don’t even charge travel fees! Even though I’ll travel anywhere there are some places that I want to shoot at so badly I’ll offer HUGE discounts on my wedding/elopement packages! Here’s my bucket list wedding locations AND the discounts I’m excited to offer y’all-

Inside the United States- 20% OFF

  • Smokey Mountains
  • Oregon
  • Redwood National Forest
  • Yosemite National Park
  • Sequoia National Park
  • Mount Rainier
  • Boston
  • New York
  • Maroon Bells, Colorado
  • Anywhere in the Utah Mountains

Outside the United States- NO TRAVEL FEES

  • Iceland
  • New Zeland
  • Italy
  • Paris
  • Rome
  • Greece
  • Norway

Reach out to me HERE about getting a discount on your destination wedding/elopement

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