Our Smoky Mountain Proposal Story

Grab some tissues because I’m about to tell you the most romantic story since Rose hogged the door and killed Jack. A little bit of backstory, my fiance Dawson is a writer at heart. Every milestone we’ve hit he’s either given me a cheesy poem that set my face on fire or a heartfelt letter that made me cry two sentences in.

Anywayyy the week we got engaged I was actually in Tennessee with my parents on vacation. The whole trip I was so happy to be spending that time with my parents. I was also just really sad that the memories I was making Dawson wasn’t going to be a part of. It was bittersweet. I could feel that I left a part of my heart in Austin where my boyfriend was. I sound so dramatic, I know. What can I say, I’m a feeler.

The Thursday before we left Tennessee we had decided to drive through and explore Cades Cove. Cades Cove is basically a really scenic loop in the mountains that’s only 11 miles long but takes two hours to drive through because it’s so popular. We pulled over, took a couple of photos, then got back in the car ready to finish the loop. Long story short there were a couple of bears along the loop that were slowing things down and it took us FIVE hours to finish the drive and for some reason, my mom was freaking out. (I didn’t know it but Dawson was waiting to surprise me and we had no cell service so my mom had no way of contacting him to let him know we were going to be hours late.)

Finally, we got through Cades Cove and my parents told me they wanted to stop at one more place they thought would be good for pictures…

We pulled up and I got out of the car and automatically started looking for a spot for photos, then I saw Dawson. It took a second to register what was happening, I wasn’t sure if he was real or not! When it finally clicked in my mind that MY Dawson was here I was so excited I just ran to him and jumped into his arms.

Then he got down on one knee…

Without any hesitation, I said yes…and told him to hurry up and put the ring on!

After a lot of kisses and “I Love You’s” Dawson whispered in my ear and told me “you haven’t even seen the best part yet”. This next part is crazy, I looked up and saw my dream photographer! Emily is my favorite photographer and has always inspired me in my photography journey, Dawson knew that and hired her to shoot our engagement!!! I mean come on, he’s the best. Seriously though you should go follow her on insta @emilyrcrisp , she’s crazy talented. I’ve met her once and I love her even more now, she’s also shooting our wedding which is so exciting!!

Some pics of my sweet parents who helped Dawson pull this amazingness off! Aren’t they the cutest?!

A couple of my favorite pics Emily took of Dawson and I…

That day and the following two days Dawson was with us in Tennessee, and they were the happiest days of my life. Spending our first days as an engaged couple with my parents was so special, it was like being on a double date vacation with my favorite people!! More than anything else though I remember being overwhelmingly grateful to God for all the things he had blessed me with. The man of my dreams, the perfect proposal, the best parents in the world, and the mountains. What more could a girl want?

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